
3rd room

→ 1.1.2024 - 30.4.2024

3 osoby 2000 Kč / noc

2 osoby 1400 Kč / noc

1 osoba 950 Kč / noc

Check in od 15 hod

Check out do 10 hod.

Pozdní check out 100 Kč/hod

Přistýlka - 400 Kč / noc

Dětská postýlka - 150 Kč / noc

Dítě 0 - 12 měsíců bez nároku na lůžko - zdarma

Dítě  od 1 - 2,99 let - 400 Kč / noc

Rekreační poplatek - 15 Kč/ dosp. os/noc

Grill - 100 Kč

WiFi - zdarma

Parkování - zdarma

Opékací místo - zdarma

Zákazník je povinen zaplatit následující storno poplatky:

30 - 15 dní: 50 % z pobytu

14 - 0 dní: 100 % z pobytu

Silvestr - pronajímán pouze celý objekt, min. 2 noci. Cena na vyžádání.

Rezervovat pokoj

2nd room

→ Nov 1, 2023 - Mar 31, 2024

4 persons 2500 CZK/night

3 persons 2000 CZK/night

2 persons 1400 Kč/night

1 person 950 Kč/night

Check in from 15 hours

Check out before 10 am

Late check out 100 CZK/hour

Extra bed - 400 CZK per night

Baby cot - 150 CZK/night

Child 0 - 12 months without bed entitlement - free

Child from 1 - 2.99 years - 400 CZK/night

Visitor's tax - 15 CZK/ adult person/night

Grill - 100 CZK

WiFi - Free

Parking - free

Roasting place - free

The customer is obliged to pay the following cancellation fees:

30 - 15 days: 50% deposit

14 - 0 days: 100% deposit

New Year's Eve - rent only the whole property, min. 2 nights. Price on request.

Rezervovat pokoj

1st room

→ accommodation from 1.11.2023 - 31.3.2024

4 persons 2500 CZK/night

3 persons 2000 CZK/night

2 persons 1400 Kč/night

1 person 950 Kč/night

Check in from 15 hours

Check out before 10 am

Late check out 100 CZK/hour

Extra bed - 400 CZK per night

Baby cot - 150 CZK/night

Child 0 - 12 months without bed entitlement - free

Child from 1 - 2.99 years - 400 CZK/night

Visitor's tax - 15 CZK/per person per night

Grill - 100 CZK

WiFi - Free

Parking - free

Roasting place - free

The customer is obliged to pay the following cancellation fees:

30 - 15 days: 50% deposit

14 - 0 days: 100% deposit

New Year's Eve - rent only the whole property, min. 2 nights. Price on request.

Rezervovat pokoj


Extra bed - 400 CZK/night

Baby cot - 150 CZK/night

Child from 0 - 12 months without bed entitlement - free

Child from 1 - 2.99 years - 400 CZK/night

During the summer season (1.7. - 31 August 2024), the length of accommodation is at least 2 nights. A 50% surcharge applies when staying for 1 night. On the basis of the order and payment of the invoice in the amount of 50%, the landlord reserves the booked date for the customer. The rest of the amount, i.e. 50%, must be paid at least 2 months before the start of the stay.

Easter 2024 - length of accommodation is min. 2 nights.

New Year's Eve 2024 - length of accommodation is min 2 nights. The price is calculated individually. We prefer calmer guests.

Accommodation rules

Grill - 100 CZK

Pet - 200 CZK/night

WiFi - Free

The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract at any time before the start of the stay, without giving reasons. Withdrawal is possible only in written or electronic form.

The customer is obliged to pay the following cancellation fees:

30 - 15 days: 50% of the amount paid from the stay

14 - 0 days: 100% of the amount paid for the stay (the stay is forfeited)